Welcome to the old site - (17/02/18)
Hi there, welcome to BassByte.com - a site that used to provide hosting to anyone and everyone for their DJ Mixes. The site has now been unused for some time as it has moved to a YouTube channel that now hosts all the mixes that once resided here.
Recently a person has attempted to copy the BassByte brand, including the YouTube channel's artwork and branding. This person has been contacted and a discussion occurred requesting him to remove any and all logos that he has plagerised. This was agreed upon by this person but they have since not followed up on their promise and are now creating more content with the stolen logos from BassByte.com and the YouTube Channel. I hope this changes in future.
For more information on this site, please click the 'About' link on the right hand side.
- oodLes.
Welcome DJ Scoze! - (15/10/08)
Lets see your mixes too!
- oodLes.
Welcome Tuttle! - (27/09/08)
Lets see some of those mixes bud.
- oodLes.
Welcome DJ Khalid, DJ Headie. - (24/05/08)
Plenty more people joining the list, enjoy your stay.
- oodLes.
Welcome Dj Koldsa. - (3/05/08)
Sorry for taking so long on creating the account
- oodLes.
Whoa, an update. - (1/01/08)
Well, its been a long long time between updates, but here we are. Some new DJ's have joined the site (And my apologies to those who I forgot to create accounts for or was slow, if you think I have forgotten you, please send me another email to admin@bassbyte.com and I'll get onto it. Its been very busy lately.)
Next update should hopefully be less sporadic and outdated. The Forums are on hold indefinately due to inactivity as well.
- oodLes.